Is that a shiny diamond we see sparkling on your finger? Yes! Congratulations and welcome to a new world. You are about to become an expert on all kinds of wedding details, including flowers, decor and wedding cake designs. There’s a lot to do, so let’s get started.
We assume you are already looking for the venue and researching vendors. Here are five more important things you need to do today if you are newly engaged.

Your beauty routine starts today and will become more involved as you get closer to the big day.
The first consideration is your hair. Do you need to grow it longer to get the style you want? What color do you want for the big day? A trip to the salon for some professional advice will be a great idea. Then you can discuss more details once you find your dream hair and make-up artist.
Every bride wants to look toned and fit for the wedding day. You might like to add an hour of walking to your fitness routine, or maybe a more serious approach would be getting into the gym for some intense workouts. The wedding day is long and you need a lot of energy to get through the day. Being in peak condition, you will fly through the day with style and grace.
Make sure you eat healthy food, so you have glowing skin and drink lots of water or coconut water. Load up on fruit and vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and fish rich in fatty oils such as salmon. All these foods will help you be energized and looking your best on the big day.
The List of All Lists
From today until the day you are married, you will be making lists of things to do, buy, check, and double-check. But one list which only you can take care of is the guest list. Of course, it would be wonderful to invite everyone, but you probably have a budget to keep to. Start making the guest list and allow for a few extras for new friends you might make between now and the wedding day if you are a super social person.
The bridal party list is part of the guest list. These VIP guests are your nearest and dearest and you need to consider if you want a small or large bridal party and if you must match the same number of people on each side.
Congratulations again because you are not on your wedding planning journey. It will take you to happy places, confusing places and maybe even stressed out places. But in the end, you will shine on your perfect day as you marry the person of your dreams.
Newly Engaged?
Talk to our passionate wedding coordinator where and when would be best for your vision | 010 446 7694 | 061 064 6612