Picking out the perfect wedding ring is such an exciting and sentimental experience. But have you ever Wondered why wedding ring is put on that finger, traditionally on the fourth finger of our left hand? You’re not alone! It’s a question that has intrigued and puzzled many for centuries, and the answer is actually quite fascinating. So let’s delve into the history and beliefs behind this beautiful tradition.

Why wedding ring is put on that finger
The tradition of wearing wedding rings on the fourth finger of the left hand originated from ancient Egyptian culture. They believed that a vein, also known as the “vena amoris,” ran directly from the fourth finger to the heart. Therefore, wearing a ring on that finger was believed to symbolize the eternal bond of love between two married individuals, with the ring serving as a physical representation of that bond.
Another interesting fact is that in Christian wedding ceremonies, the best man or groomsmen would place the ring on the bride’s fourth finger while making a religious reference to the Holy Trinity. This was considered a symbol of the love and dedication that the couple would pledge before God during their marriage.
In Hindu culture, the ring is worn on the second finger, as it is believed to represent the planet of the Sun. This finger also symbolizes strength, independence, and individuality. Thus, the tradition of wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is not universal but varies from culture to culture.
In contemporary times, marriage is a modern-day declaration of eternal love and commitment between two individuals who choose to dedicate their lives to each other. Thus, the act of wearing a wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand has taken on a universal meaning in Western cultures. It is a symbol of unending love, devotion, loyalty, and trust between the couple.

The symbolism attached to wedding rings on the fourth finger is as powerful and meaningful as it has ever been. It is a reminder of the love, commitment, and dedication between two individuals. The tradition originated in great antiquity, and yet it has survived the test of time and cultural change, which is a testament to its significance. So regardless of where you come from, the fourth finger on the left hand remains a universal symbol of love and fidelity to be cherished and celebrated for years to come.
Wedding rings are a very special symbol of love and commitment. But, there are many myths and stories surrounding these sacred bands. Some of these myths are silly and outdated while others are steeped in rich history and tradition. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common modern wedding ring myths, stories and meanings.
Myth 1: The bigger the diamond, the better the wedding ring.
This myth is based on the belief that the size of the diamond equals the amount of love that the groom has for the bride and the amount of money the groom is willing to spend to show this love. However, this myth is completely untrue! The size of the diamond should not be a measure of love or commitment as a wedding ring is meant to represent the couple’s bond, not the size of the stone. Instead, couples should focus on choosing a ring that reflects their unique style and personality.
Myth 2: Wedding rings must be made out of gold.
While gold wedding bands are the most traditional choice, they are not the only option available. Modern couples are opting for alternative metals such as titanium, tungsten, and platinum to create unique wedding bands. These metals are often more affordable, durable, and hypoallergenic than gold. They are also less prone to scratches and dings, making them perfect for those who are hard on their jewelry.
Myth 3: Wedding rings are only for the bride and groom.
While the couple exchanging wedding rings is the most common tradition, there are other ways to incorporate rings into your wedding ceremony. For example, couples can opt for family heirloom rings or have their children or close family members exchange rings as a symbol of unity and love. Additionally, some couples choose to exchange promise rings or eternity bands before their wedding, or to renew their vows later in life as a way of recommitting to their relationship.
Myth 4: Wedding rings have no symbolism beyond a simple band of metal.
Wedding rings are not just a symbol of love and commitment. They carry a deep history and meaning that is unique to each couple. For example, the Celtic knot design symbolizes the continuity and interconnectedness of life, while the Claddagh ring represents love, loyalty, and friendship. Other popular symbols include infinity knots, which represent eternal love, and the birthstone rings that hold significance for each month of the year. The true value of a wedding ring lies in the symbolism and meaning that it holds for the couple.

Like any tradition, wedding rings have their own myths, stories, and meanings that have evolved over time. While some of these are outdated or untrue, others have deep significance and value for the couple and their relationship. Whether you choose to follow tradition or create your own, your wedding ring should be a symbol of the unique bond that exists between you and your partner. When you look down at your ring, it should remind you of the love, commitment, and deep meaning that you share with your partner.