Asking the love of your life to share the rest of your lives together is a big moment in both your lives. Even though its already special, everyone dreams of that unforgettable proposal that set everything into motion. So, we thought we would give you some romantic proposal ideas, to get that big YES you want.

Romantic proposal ideas:
1. Furry Cuteness
Who can resist cute and furry things? Babies and animals are an irresistibly cute way to propose that will have her squealing for joy.

2. Photo Booth
As the shutters starts clicking away pull out the ring and surprise her. Not only will she not be able to contain the surprise, you will also catch these moments on the photos.

3. Scavenger Hunt
Who doesn’t like a scavenger hunt? So, scatter some clues and get the question popping.

4. Family Dinner
Get the closest family together for dinner and when its time for toasts ask your partner the big question.

5. Jigsaw Puzzle
Get a jigsaw puzzle made to pop the question and watch her surprise as it gets done.

6. Crossword puzzle
Have a crossword puzzle printed, let her solve it with questions she will answer with ease and then watch her face light up with happiness as she solved it.

7. Pictures
Decorate a room full of photos of all your special times making it truly special.

8. I Woke Up Like This
Slip the ring on their finger before they wake up and see how long it takes them to notice. Or how many cups of coffee.

9. A Toast
A classic, slip the surprise into a flute of bubbles. Make sure they see the ring before bottoms up.

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